Comic creator Rachael Smith returns to the Lakes International Comic Art Festival Podcast this week, to talk about her new upcoming web comic collection Quarantine Comix.
Rachael released a strip over the first COVID-19 quarantine almost daily, and this book collects all those in one handy volume. The book has already attracted plenty of deserved attention and a lot of people are looking forward to seeing its release in May.
Racheal also chats with Ian Loxam and Nicole Bates about how she found the lock down, her work with Little LICAF at Abraham Moss school in Manchester recently and future plans with the Lakes Festival this year.
Also this episode, Tom Stewart reviews The Good Comics Reader Volume 2 from Good Comics and Mike and Pete return for another addition of Yakapedia. They have Mark Abnett back as a guest to discuss Easter eggs in comics.
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• The Lakes International Comic Art Festival – back 15th to 17th October 2021 – is online at:
• Most #LICAFLIVE 2020 content is also available on the LICAF YouTube Channel here, including the Comics Master Classes – but check the official LICAF site for exhibitions and some other items, such as the Desert Island Comics interview with comic creator Kelly Sue DeConnick
• Lakes International Comic Art Festival Podcast: | Twitter: @comicartfestpod | Facebook: @ComicArtPodcast | Instagram: @ComicArtPodcast
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• Check out their LITTLE LICAF Facebook Page here and the dedicated LITTLE LICAF Instagram here
Regular contributors to the Lakes International Comic Art Festival Podcast include Tom Stewart from That Comic Smell, Pete Taylor, and Mike Williams
The Lakes International Comic Art Festival Podcast is sponsored by Buy Small Press Online, the brand new comics marketplace! Looking for a place to purchase the latest in what small press has to offer? Or are you a creator looking to build an online store? Then this site is just right for you. Check the service out at