Five comics, one luxury item, and your favourite crisps – what would you take to a desert island?
It’s our own version of the Radio 4 classic.
Leading figures from the world of comics choose the books that they just couldn’t leave behind, and explain their choices.
Watch the films now!
Join the Watchmen and Kingsman artist as he reveals his favourite comics, earliest influences and greatest treasures.
Dave even has some rare original art that he shares with us.
The doyenne of British cartooning, creator of Gemma Bovery, Tamara Drewe and Cassandra Darke reveals not only the comics she’d keep on her island, but also some of her own earliest childhood drawings.
Mark is the wunderkind of British comics, the man who reinvented the Avengers and gave us Kick-Ass.
He’s also a treasure-trove of encounters with everyone from Stan Lee to Alan Moore. Enjoy!
As well as being the UK Comics Laureate, Hannah is an acclaimed artist, author and comics campaigner.
Like her, her Desert Island choices are unique and totally fascinating. But you’ll have to watch to find out what they are.
Publisher of Fantagraphics Books in the USA, Eric has been responsible for bringing some of the greatest graphic novels of the last thirty years to print.
In this interview we find out what makes him tick, what are his greatest achievements, and why he loves a comic about a man with Ronald Reagan on the end of his penis.
The woman behind Captain Marvel and Bitch Planet doesn’t just tell us about her favourite comics in this video.
She shares her deepest passions about the comics industry and reveals some of her own personal nightmares too. Powerful and fascinating.
Paul is a novelist, comics writer, screenwriter, and one of the prime creators behind Dr Who.
He gives us a mesmerising glimpse into his creative processes and his greatest inspirations, while taking a veritable history of British comics to his island.
Charlie specialises in drawing the most gruesome zombies ever committed to paper in The Walking Dead. What lurks behind this obsession?
Join us as we delve into his desert island collection. It’s not what you’re expecting…