Victoria Lomasko

Victoria Lomasko graduated from Moscow State University of Printing Arts in 2003, with a degree in graphic art and book design.

She now works as a graphic artist with a focus on graphic reportage. Drawing on Russian traditions of documentary graphic art (as practiced during the Siege of Leningrad, in the Gulag, and within the military), Lomasko explores contemporary Russian society, especially the inner workings of the country's diverse subcultures, such as Russian Orthodox believers, LGBT activists, migrant workers, sex workers, and collective farm workers in the provinces.

Her work has appeared in mainstream print publications in Russia and abroad, and exhibitions in Russia and throughout Europe. Her book, Other Russias, a collection of graphic reportages on social themes, was published in the United States. by n+1 and the United Kingdom by Penguin.

Lomasko has collaborated extensively with various non-profit human rights organizations on creating materials for publication and taught workshops in places of incarceration.

She is the co-curator of two long-term art and activism projects: Drawing the Court (with Zlata Ponirovska) and The Feminist Pencil (with Nadia Plungian).

Victoria Lomasko Online

Instagram: @victorialomasko
Review: Other Russias by Victoria Lomasko – The Guardian